As a merchant, he was a man of the world--he had seen it all. 他是一个见多识广的商人。
Bob is a man of the world; why not go to him for advice? 鲍勃是个通晓世故的人,干吗不去听听他的意见呢?
In conclusion, it gives me great pleasure to propose a toast to William Shakespeare, our man of the world. 最后,我非常高兴地提议,让我们为属于世界的威廉莎士比亚干杯!
The tallest man of the world welcomed the shortest man in the world to his native Turkey on Thursday in celebration of the world records. 周四的土耳其,世界上最高的人向世界上最矮的人表示欢迎,他们两人的相聚是庆祝他俩的世界记录。
I mean, I'm a man of the world like yourself. 我跟你是同个世界的人。
Time is a "visualizable" concept, a built-in part of every man's view of the world. 时间是“可想象的”概念,是每个人对世界的看法的一个固有部分。
In reality he travels on a New Zealand passport and has no qualms about his agent describing him as "a man of the world"* His career has taken him to scores of countries around the globe. 实际情况是他用新西兰护照旅行,而且心安理得地享用他的经纪人送给他的美名“世界人”,因为他的事业带他到过世界上的许多国家。
An enigmatical personage, about whom little was known, except that he was a polished man of the world. 人们对他知之甚少,认为他是一个阴阳怪气的人物,但他在这世界上其实是一个完美的男人。
He began to feel that he was a man of the world. 他渐渐觉得自己是个见过世面的人了。
A spiritual man, or a practical man of the world? 一个属灵的人,或一个属世界的现实的人?
Research on the Three Index in Man Singles of the World Excellent Tennis Players 世界优秀男子单打网球选手三项指标的研究
No man of courage in the whole world? 世上再没有勇士了吗?
He knows about everything-a man of the world. 他什么都懂他是见过世面的。
Nonetheless, he was a man of the world. 不过,托马斯是一个通晓世故的人。
He was a man of the world, and he knew a thing or two. 他是个老于世故的人,而且很精明。
The essence of man and the essence of the world are the same. 人的本质与世界的本质都是一样的。
He is too much of a man of the world not to know better. 他是个深谙世故的人,不至于作出不合情理的事情。
By far the greatest name in Middle English literature is that of Geoffrey Chaucer ( 1340-1400): This poet was also an experienced man of the world. 迄今为止,中世纪英国文学里最伟大的名字便是杰弗里•乔叟(1340~1400)。乔叟是一位有着丰富阅历的诗人。
The sight of the discomfiture of this elderly man of the world touched Pierre; 这个年老的上流社会人士的窘态感动了皮埃尔;
Indeed, an experienced traveller, a brisk man of the world, had never come within such close range before. 真的,她还从来没有和一个跑过大码头,见过大世面,见多识广性格活跃的人打过交道。
The aim of Futurism is the resurrection of things& the return to man of sensation of the world. 目的是在未来主义的东西复活-世界返回到人的感觉。
The band leader, obviously not a man of the world outside his beloved show business, completely missed the significance of this lower offer. 这个乐队老板,显然不是他钟爱的娱乐行业外的通世故的人,完全没有领会这个较低出价的意思。
All these experiences have made him a mysterious man, and one of the world's most legendary leaders. 这些经历为他增添了神秘的色彩,也使他成为一位传奇式的领导人。
Are you a man of the world until you travel abroad? 出国旅行,才能使您成为世界人吗?
Paul is very much a man of the the world, but compared with him you are an utter greenhorn. 保罗是个很懂世故的人,但跟他相比之下,你简直什么事都不懂。
You must already know: the first young man regardless of the world could meet one corner, hypocrisy, cold face; 你一定已经知道:第一位年轻人无论到世界的那一个角落,都可能碰到虚伪、冰冷的面孔;
He had become an accomplished man of the world by the time he reached young manhood. 当他进入青年时期,他已是一位老于世故的社交能手了。
Language structure reflects the structure of man's understanding of the world and therefore literature, which embodies the aesthetic relation between man and the world, bears the brands of the language structure; 语言结构反映人所认识的世界的结构,因此,体现人和世界的审美关系的文学,在文本组织形式上往往带有语言结构的烙印;
The Basic Modes for Man's Mastery of the World 关于人掌握世界的基本方式
The metaphorical way of thinking is one of the bases in man's cognition of the world and the development of mind. 隐喻现象可以看作一种独特的思维方式,并且对人类的思维与语言的发展起着重要作用。隐喻性思维是人类认知世界的根本方法之一。